Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 20

So Family and friends this week went by pretty fast and we had a lot of days of contacting people and looking for new investigators so the city of kalgoorlie is pretty dead during the day cause everyone is working or sleeping we are on bikes and we talk to everyone we see and we are only able to contact maybe 10 people a day its crazy slow. so ya we had no investigators when we got here but now we have 2 OH YA ha its cool the work is slow here but its progressing the branch is awesome and i think they like us and trust us so thats cool cause that was one of our goals was to gain back the trust of the members so ya but the only real story that happened this week was pretty cool but it was we'd been goin through the ward list and trying to get in contact with the less actives and we weren't having much success so on saturday we went looking for this one guy and we finally found him and he invited us in and he was planning his wedding so he wanted out of the house so he took us for an hour drive around kal to see what is called the super pit its like the 3rd largest open pit mine in the world its awesome ha but anyways we got to talking and stuff and we found out his fiance however its spelt wasn't a member but she was familiar with the religion and she comes to church and stuff so that was cool then we went back to his house and he invited us for dinner but we were fasting so he said well how bout tomorrow and of course we sadi alright and he said he'd come to church so then sunday came and they were at church and then we went around and had a feed then talked then shared a thought and then we said we'd like to know if she would want to learn more and he was like yes if thats ok with her and she said she wanted to learn but she said she would be hard to convert and i said no worries our goal is just to teach she's the one who has to ask for herself whether it is true or not and then heavenly father will take care of the rest but in my head i was laughing thinking no worries heavenly father can show anyone the truth so it was a really cool experience especially cause we fasted for people to teach and our fast was answered like an hour after we finished fasting. so ya it was really cool i was very excited not gonna lie but ya that was pretty much it for this week thanks for the emails glad to hear all is well. love you all the church is true through and through LOVE Elder Dalton

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