Monday, May 28, 2012

40 weeks in Australia!

how is everyone doing? i hope everything is great and that everyone is enjoying life i heard grandmas funeral went well that made me happy to hear that. so as for this week it was the same as always except for better cause we got 3 new investigators which always makes you very happy so that was good and this coming weekend is branch conference so the mission presidency is comin up and i think we are even having a fireside on sunday evening so that will' be great. i look forward to stuff like these its fun and thats about it for the week. sorry its short again but have a great week remember the basic 3 and thanks for everything love Elder Dalton

Monday, May 21, 2012

Weeks 39 :)

hello again so this week was the same as any other the area is a bit slow right now but we are working hard and i'm sure it'll pick up shortly. hmmm thats about it but yesterday after church we went over to tk and ellens house cause there back porch over looks the horse racing track its about 10 meters away is all and they were having races yesterday and since i've never seen ahorse race in real life i decided to take this opportunity ha it was pretty cool but i don't see how people can go to those all the time they are only exciting for about 2 min while the horses run then its like an hour of sitting there ha but it was cool. so when i first came out on the mission i thought for sure i would always have stuff to say and there would never be a short email but lately it seems like its just repeats of the same weeks haha so i never really have anything new to say sorry about that but tell all the family i said hello and that i love them and i heard about grandma i'm sure mom welcomed her with a big hug i know they'll be doin alot of good work together love you all thanks for everything Love Elder Dalton

Monday, May 14, 2012

Week 38 (Happy Mother's day!)

so i don't have much to say cause i already chatted with all you guys it was very good to hear all your voices and to hear how everyone is doin and what all is new thanks for all chatting with me i enjoyed it. it seems like just yesterday it was christmas and we were talkin so i'm sure the next 6 months will also go fast. so ya i'm not sure what else to say but this was a good week and the week to come should be good also we are hopin to get to see some of are investigators and hopefully set some baptismal dates with them so it'll be sweet. whats new with everyone even though we just finished talking? so sorry its short but thanks again for all that you do and have a great week read your scriptures and say your prayers the church is true and today the sky and the book is blue love ya livestrong happy mothers day to all the mothers wherever they maybe in heaven or on earth love you all and thanks for all that you have and do for me love Elder Dalton.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 37 ( 9 Months )

so another week has came and went just like any other and so i didn't get transfered thank goodness but sadly my irish comp did and i got a new comp from new zealand he's cool as i was very happy to get another polynesian comp its great and i served around him in my last area so i already got along with him well hes a good missionary and as for being district leader i now get to give training and stuff when we have our weekly district meetings and i corrolate with the zone leaders its pretty much the same just now i have to make a few more phone calls and i get to prepare lesson type things its cool. so as for this week we had to drive to perth to drop off our comps ad pick up our new ones and thats a 6 and a half hour drive if you don't stop so its quite boring but we stayed in perth for a few nights and went on exchanges with some of the elders there it was kinda nice to be back in the city for a few days but then i was even more excited to come back to kalgoorlie i love it here. but thats about it thanks for everything love you guys the book is blue and the church is true especially for me and you and everyone else in the world so share it with everyone how bout everyone tries this week to share the gospel with one person and pray for opportunities and heavenly father will help us out cause this is his work and what he wants. love Elder Dalton HAVE A GREAT WEEK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kia kaha FOREVER STRONG