Monday, December 19, 2011

week 17

so another came and past just like any other this week went by pretty fast so as for what we did nothin to new except on friday we had a big mission activity that we put on for the stakes and investigators and stuff called carols to the king and we had heaps of songs and we had game i got to play games with a bunch of kids it was great there was about 1200 people there from W.A. so that was pretty cool it was a good turn out and the did tours of the chapel and temple grounds it was sweet. i think it turned out really well it was pretty good except we had to clean it up that night so we didn't get to bed til like 1130 and then we had to go and clean up again in the morning so it made for some long days cause ya get to where ya really like and need your sleep and if it get cut short its no good ha. so thats pretty much it for me for k bug congrats on the graduating thats pretty sweet i bet it feels nice to be done. and glad to hear little cinch is treating his brother good they'll be lots of fun when i get home. but ya not much to say for this week but i'm excited to talk to everyone next week its kinda weird to think that i'll get to talk to you guys next week i'm excited i hope everyone has good christmas plans. Love Elder Dalton
P.S. i heard this cool quote it said "the obsticle you have in front of you is never greater then the power you have behind you." and of course it is refering to the fact that with our heavenly fathers help nothing is impossible. i really liked it the church is true love you guys hope all is well talk to ya in a week and i want annabelle there if thats alright cause my president doesn't care that way i can talk to all my loved ones at once thanks love you guys.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Week 16

Hello Family and Friends,
Did ya miss me the last week? oh who am i kiddin of course ya missed me. so whats new in Idaho? any Snow? it was hot again this week but a good week. so first of kbug i have bore my testimony in sacrament but not talked yet but i have taught a few classes so thats been good. so i met a samoan guy that served in st. anthony and rexburg and even ashton and west it was pretty cool he said he loved the chicken fried stake his alema jan boone i think is how ya spell it but he would of served a good 6 or so years ago probably but it was cool to talk to him for a little bit. we went to a fireside and they sang and bore testimonies on what christmas means to them it was reallly good i love the firesides when they do heaps of singing. so whats new family? you guys are kinda slackin off on the emails you all must be gettin a little busy with the holidays but if its not to much to ask i still like the little emails every week that just tell me how your week went. thanks hmm so this week just one story we were goin to mcdonalds one day and there was this guy sittin on the curb smokin as everyone does here so i gave him a big wave and then the elders were askin if i knew him and i said no but that i was goin go talk to him so when we got out of the car i went over to him and he put his smoke out and came and we started talkin and he told us that he was actually a very less active member and that he was goin through a little bit of a rough patch in his life and that he had actually been thinking about how when he use to go to church he would feel the spirit and it would help him through his week and he was thinkin that it was time to come back to church and then POW there we were goin to get a feed and heavenly father allowed us to meet him and to get his info cause he wants the missionaries to come around. it was pretty cool the tender mercies we see in our lifes are sweet. but that was the highlight of my week it was pretty cool and we had Fluerette one of our investigators come to church so that was good this was a good we were able to teach alot and we did heaps and heaps of service we had service all but two days i think it was pretty sweet. hmmm but thats about it for the week i think i have a few pics from when we were helpin one of our memer families the robinsons put up there christmas stuff it was fun but it was a first to have a to put together the family christmas tree a bit different then just cuttin down and standin it up but it was fun and it was a really rainy day so it was a little cool so it kinda made it feel a little more like christmas it was fun. but thats it for this week i think i get to talk to you guys in two weeks so thats pretty cool. thanks for everything you guys are the best love ya.
Love Elder Dalton

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Week 15! :)

Dear Family how are you guys talofa i hope all is well glad to hear that thanksgiving was good. but ya its pretty weird that it is dec 5 and yesterday is was like a 100 degrees it doesn't feel like christmas at all we went to a christmas fireside last night and i was sweating ha its a strange thing and they kept talkin about how some people say its hard to celebrate christmas without the cool weather and that is very true when the cold weather is what your use to but thats ok its still christmas weather your drinking hot coco or ice cold fizzy's (soda) to cool off but ya the fireside was really good i enjoyed it alot i love firesides so to answer kyle no i haven't met any cowboys i'm not sure if there is any in australia haha only city people which is alright but i'm lookin forward to getting to serve in some country areas hopefully. so as for this week nothin to exciting happened just the normal teaching and contacting and stuff we are still workin with a few familes and we still have two baptismal dates and they are progressing so that is very good i love gettin to teach the same people weekly and to see them progress and make those steps to following their savior and i love set appointments with new people too its the best. i think thats about it for this week no new stories or anything just been workin with the same people and stuff which is good but hope all is well guys whats everyone doin for christmas? does everyone have there decorations up? but sorry this week is short again and not to exciting but i love you guys and i'm very thankful for all that you do for me i hope all is well and that you guys are enjoying the season thats something i love about are family is we always knew the true meaning of christmas and its what i love especially now as a missionary but don't ever forget or get to busy for the true meaning of christmas and always remeber what our savior has done for us love you guys have a great week.
Love Elder Dalton