Monday, July 22, 2013


Gday everyone another week past and only one week left on my mission i never actually thought i'd only have one week left. but as for this week it was good we did alot of service which is my favorite i love helping people and we got to teach a bit so it was a great week. look forward to seeing everyone soon love you all

Monday, July 15, 2013

17 DAYS!!! Two and a half weeks!!

gday everyone so i'll be honest its kinds weird writing now cause i can just tell you about stuff in 2 weeks. but this was a good week nothin to special happened just same ole stuff but its good. But i did get to speak in church that was pretty fun i got to speak on how working before my mission helped me be a better missionary it was pretty good to talk about i enjoyed it but thats about it for my week. hope all is well. love you all

three weeks :)

Gday so this was a good week nothin new happened just a good week getting low on weeks left in the mission i'm excited to see ya'll again it'll be good. love you all have a great week hope all had a good 4th and happy birthday Dalton hope it was a good one

Monday, July 1, 2013

4 weeks left? Is this real?

how is everyone going? this was a good but slow week but this upcoming week will be good we get to go to the temple so that'll be good hope all is well back home i'll see yous in 4 weeks love you all