Monday, August 6, 2012

Week 49! One year down, One to go!

so hello there once again this was a good week not to different then any other though but i did get to see the beach this week. Cause this week i also got to conduct my first baptismal interview which was pretty cool and then we were taking the elders home and they live right next to the ocean so we drove down and took some pictures it was cool but it was kinda a chilly day. that was about it for this weeks news except yesterday at church the missionaries that live in the same flat as us had a cool experience myself and my companion were talking to some members and the other two elders were just waiting outside when a man walked up to them and asked how to become a member of the church and they were kinda shocked but they just said come in and we'll tell you so they went and had a lesson with him and set a baptismal date with him so that was really cool. its crazy how god works sometimes but its amazing to see it happen. so how was this week for everyone else? i hope it was great. always remember that the church is true and the gospel is the only way to find true everlasting happiness and the scriptures are here to help us through our struggles. thanks for everything Love Elder Dalton

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