Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 36

Hello family and friends how is everyone? so this was an amazing week i have never had this good of experience yet on the mission so ellen got baptised on saturday and we started fasting on friday and at forst like always i was just starving but then as the baptism came up the spirit was so strong and i was so excited that the baptism was finally happening and tk was excited because this is his mrs gettin baptised and they have a goal to go to the temple so it was great and heaps of her family and friends came all nonmembers and they said that they felt the spirit so we are hoping to get a few new investigators from it it was amazing. i love this area its great and i found out this morning that i'm staying for another transfer so that'll make 4 transfers here and i'm the district leader now so i'm very excited to stay here i think theres still alot that can happen so i'm looking forward to it. we find most are people from contacting on the street or from members but mainly less active members and all the investigators we have that are progressing the most are from the less actives thats the best way to find people. Cause tracting is a weakness i have i don't enjoy it very much haha but it's slowly growing on me but as for weird creatures nothing i keep the flats clean so we don't get cockroches or however ya spell it so thats nice. and as for a car we haven't had a car we just walk mainly or if we have to go far our district leader would give us a ride but now that i'm district leader we get the car haha so that'll be nice we'll still probably walk heaps as for church we go to the same branch every week our areas all include just one ward and most wards have at least 2 sets of missionaries. but as for workin out vince its how i release my stress and stuff its relaxing for me so it makes my days better plus i don't get depressed cause i don't put on weight haha thats cool about work and thats for sure the truth cause our presidents lets us have wiggle room on our schudule to meet the needs of are area such as visiting people before 10 if thats the only time they can meet and studying at a different time its nice. President is really cool but this is his last transfer but as for the new president i haven't really heard anything about him. as for transfers we get called on monday and transfers are on tuesdays but i'm stayin agian thank goodness. as for workouts in the morning i do pushups situps pull ups stuff like that then in the evening i do squats and skip rope and more cardio stuff its really been helping and i follow a low carb diet when i'm not at members homes. trainin was great i really enjoyed it i wanted to train again but all is well as for good and bad about training for good is the greenie fire and the excitement they have and getting to be an example to them and helping them and seeing them grow as for bad propably just were your there first comp they have to get use to living with someone and adjusting to the mission. but i do have a little bit of an different accent i guess we'll just have to see but as for food its pretty much they same i think and for breakfast i just have a protein shake and fruit its great and its non members and members that say there is somethin different and all i can figure is that thats mom i'm not sure how to explain it but i'm sure they can feel her spirit too i love the mission and this was a great week thanks everyone and i love you guys. LIVESTRONG Love Elder Dalton

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