Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 6!! :)

so its the end of week 6 my first transfer call came saturday but don't worry i'm not gettin transferred. ha this week has been good same as any other nothin to great sadly by that i mean there was no great stories to tell but there is one really good thing to tell serena a abariginal lady we have been teachin set a date to be baptized on jan 8 which is great and her daughter will hopefully be baptized then too and hopefully her husband anthony keep them in your prayers please. so this week was crazy weather it was rainy and chilly one day then the next it was 28 degrees which is hot for me they say its like 35 average here in the summer not sure how that is going to go for me cause the 28 degrees was hot as i was sweatin like crazy. so sorry i don't have any great stories but this week i've been studyin mosiah and its a great book i love the book of mormon i've really been able to get into it and i've never been able to before its great. i learn so much more its crazy i love to read which is a new experience for me ha but its great. so to answer cinchy ya i can see the stars here but they aren't as good as back home but i hear in the country they are great and are really bright so hopefully i'll get the chance to see that before the mission is over but the stars are different here of course no big or little dipper but they have what the call the southern cross which is a cross layin on its side its pretty and they other crazy thing here is the moon cause it isn't sideways if ya know what i mean like when there is just a sliver its on the bottom not on the side its pretty cool i'm gonna try and get a picture. so its crazy how fast ya grow to love people here we visit the jackmanns everyweek and they are great i've grown to love them so much the kids are so much fun. but ya its crazy cool how close ya grow to people and so quickly but thats to be expected i suppose cause god loves everyone so much so it makes sense that when ya share the gospel you grow closer to god and people. so we took sis smith and damien to a fireside last night that was suppose to me a missionary based fireside so we thought it would be good for them like the one last week was but it was all about marriage and she is a late 50's single lady that doesn't want to get married again and damien is 15 so not the perfect topic for them but they are great and were honest and said it was boring and to be honest it was pretty boring it was pretty much just a story about this couples wedding would of been great for young single adults but not a good missionary topic for investigators unless they were a couple who was looking for that but even then it was good missionary language if ya know what i mean it was pretty deep i felt bad for sis smith and damien but it was good sorry about that story didn't mean to sound negative but i thought it was a little funny so i thought i would tell ya but i gotta go i'm out of time sorry its short today and not very good or spiritual but the church is true love ya Elder Dalton

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